Britney does fashion

What is wrong with this poor girl? Wandering LA like a lost soul, a fashion victim if I've ever seen one.
There are these places for pregnant women, or for just regular women, to buy clothes that fit and that don't make you look like some hillbilly ~ but I guess what should we expect anyway?
She really should not go out in public.
I hate to say it - but I sort of feel bad for her. Did you see all of the flashes going off in that video? She wasn't even sitting for 2 minutes before she had to get up and leave. I think leading that life would probably get old after a while.
I do feel bad that she's targeted like that, but she does bring it on herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she dumps K-Fed and moves back to Louisiana.
She seems so lonely though, and keeps moving from place to place.
That would be the smart thing to do.
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