Brit is "Classy"

Dressing like some poor hooker who doesn't even know who her baby's daddy is, chomping gum like some dumb kid, mis-using the entire English language and wearing the rattiest hair extensions and false eyelashes that may have been lifted from a drag queen in Reno -- what was my point? Oh yeah, I'm not really sure what the point of this interview was, other than to confirm that she is dumb as a box of rocks from a Louisiana quarry.
Without writing a novella here, just wanted to blog that this girl has got to go away. She needs to go back where she came from, forget about ever being famous for being a good singer/dancer, divorce K-Fed, hire a team of smart people to educate herself and her children, take a bath, wear clothes that didn't come from Goodwill and never drive again.
She lied through the whole interview - she couldn't even look Matt in the eye when she answered his questions, especially when it came to KFed.
My favorite part is when she called herself "country" and that her dad let her sit on his lap and drive the car. I'm sure he did that, BUT NOT WHEN SHE WAS 6 MONTHS OLD!!! She is completly clueless!!!
I hate to say it - but her career is OVER. I don't think any publicist could do enough damage control to get her out of this hole!
I like how she described herself as a sweet blonde girl. Like she thinks that people really think of her that way. She's just been told she's great for so many years, no matter what she does or looks like (by people she pays); she has no perception of what she really is anymore.
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