Laguna Beach x3

But first let me discuss the oldies: the scene with both Alexes, Taylor and Jessica? Classic? Now that they are all BFF, hating Kristen cause she's more famous (though sounded too much to handle to me) and Jason/LC for their love (handles) - ouch, what a jab from Alex H! Poor Jessica, she's the reluctant 'star' from past seasons on this new one for her cradle robbing of Cameron, who is so going to ditch her. Will that girl ever catch a break in love? I wonder how much time we'll see the oldies on this new season?
Now on to the newbies. Isn't Cami the one Jason took to prom but then ditched when he made out with Alex M? I didn't like her back then and was surprised when he picked her from all the LG litter; must have been forced to as a preview for this season?
I'm still getting used to some of the names, but so far Tess seems like a normal one, hence her narration of the show...but look out, Kristen and LC once had that coveted spot! Kyndra annoys me, but a little less than Casey did, so we'll see how that 'mean girls' thing goes. I don't get the Rocky girl yet, sure more will come on that.
On to the boys. Seems like there is an interesting lot there. Chase the rocker, Cameron the lover, Kelan (not sure what his thing is yet)...etc, etc. I'm sure there will be a Jason among them. I'm not all that keen on Cameron, but I assume he becomes a resident bad boy or heartbreaker for all the buildup they are doing on him.
Yeah - I wasn't too impressed either. Poor Jessica looks like a total fool! I haven't caught the second episode yet. Hopefully, it gets better!
I caught the second one, and it wasn't much better. There was an interesting scene with Jessica and her look-alike mom, in which her mom is telling her to stop following these boys. This show feels so middle school to me. Where's Kristen when you need her?
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