Hollywood Fatality (Re-enactment)

I'm getting a little worried about my dog now. He told me he is writing a script and wanted to act it out for me.
In this story, he plays Vince Vaughn and the dead creature before him with his brains shredded all over is Brad Pitt. See, Vince and Brad met up one night in an alley and Brad tells Vince that he is a vampire and wants to turn him onto the dark world and convert him into his cult. Vince gets worried and turns into a bear with his special powers and savagely rips Brad's brains apart.
I'm not sure if this movie will make it to Hollywood, but yet once again, I am honoring his wishes to get his views out there. My dog also said that I made him look like a sissy with those bunny ears and needed to get his image toughened up a bit.
I think he may be on to something!
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