A Match Made in Hell

Come to think of it, they really are the perfect heir and heiress. He's an oil heir and his hair is disgustingly greasy and she's a hotel heiress and we know how much mileage she gets on those (Dream?) Beds.
Not that I really like Lindsay Lohan, but at least she did work for her paultry $7 million that Brandon things is so poor. And maybe she does live in a hotel, but don't most of these socialites anyway? But that video was horrible. I do support my fellow redheads when I can, which is why I have not posted a link to the video. And like Paris' movies were successful ~ well, at least the ones that were shot in night vision :-)
No wonder Mischa ran to Sisco; she needed a nice fun-loving, clean-looking man after she broke up with Brandon ~ or maybe it was the other way around. She's probably only got $15 million in the bank. And it is kind of funny that the video happened just after Lindsay was seen hanging out with Stavros. But Paris should learn her lesson, she zoomed out of there going way too fast; how easily she forgets.
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