Brit dumps K-Fed

Well, I think the real question in this last relationship was 'who was using who?' Was K-Fed in it for the money and fame? Well, that much was certain. But so is the fact that Brit wanted some kids and she knew that he could obviously provide her that - dude's got 4 kids now! And for the low, low price of only $300K, she got what she wanted.
Funny how she looked like crap their whole relationship and only now she cleans up. No wonder she's been in the dark since her last kid was born; she was getting reworked for her premiere as a soon-to-be doubt she's not far away from releasing another album based on this relationship. Well, so much for K-Fed being her opening act...maybe Justin will take him in?
Thank goodness! It was only a matter of time! She probably would have dumped him sooner, but she got pregnant again. I'm pretty sure the second kid was an accident. I am bummed about Rees/Ryan, but am very happy about this split!
I read that K-Fed is suing for full custody? He must need some money for child support to give to his other babies' momma.
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