Jordan Catalano came down to Georgia…my So-Called Night out as a Satan Worshipper

While checking out the web site for the venue, I was excited to see that the main band playing at the club would be 30 SECONDS TO MARS….whose lead singer is none other than Jared Leto (ex boyfriend to Cameron Diaz and 'friend' to Lindsay, Britney and an Olsen twin).
We all traipse inside this club, which could actually be mistaken for a dungeon. The club's three levels were called Heaven, Purgatory and Hell. Jordan was in Heaven. Now, we didn't have the right stamp to get into Heaven (it's good to know that's all you need, for future reference), but himself got us in as usual. I had such high expectations. I mean, many years ago, I so wanted to be Angela and when he sang the song "Red" I too thought it was about me. And behold, there he was -- dressed like a priest with some intense black eyeliner. It was a somewhat holy experience, but I realized I would quickly need an exorcism if I stayed in Heaven too long. So after some satanic rituals and a mosh pit, we high-tailed it out of Heaven and ran straight to Hell.
Ironic that you had to run to hell to be saved!!!
Himself gets rewarded all the time for being part of Pinky's entourage :-)
She was on her way to 'Deal or No Deal' in her nice red dress. She was looking a little bloated to me though, those diet pills just weren't doing the trick.
Too bad himself couldn't get us into the green room - we could have witnessed a satanic ritual or something (I'm sure it would've been much different from the tree hugger's (AD) green room!)
The AD green room was a good place for us to get our feet wet! We're slowly moving on to bigger and better. Though if we were in town this weekend, you can bet we'd be checking out some Papozaos with K-Fed :-)
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