Pinky Lynn

A blog about celebrities, wanna-be celebrities and anyone in between.

Friday, June 30, 2006

OMG: Pinky, look at her gut! It's so big...

She looks like one of those (wanna-be) rap guy's girlfriends (sugar mommas). Who understands those rap guys; they only talk to her because she's got big bucks. I mean her gut, it's just so big!

Do I dare say more? Of the cover title, '487 best new ideas inside,' I have to say, this is the infinite worst idea EVER. Oh Britney, you make me want to lose my mind!

Madge & LiLo: BFF

Poor Madge. Ever since Britney so cruelly flossed with her red string bracelet on Dateline, she's been searching for a new young starlet to convert to Kabbalah or 'Madonna-ism' - and alas, she's found hope with Lindsay Lohan.

It seems Madge and LiLo have been bonding over their love of Kabbalah, music and Estelle Getty (who, quite conveniently, LiLo is beginning to look like).

As soon as her Confessions Tour is over, Madge is going to whisk away lil' Miss to Israel and guide her in the right direction. And we all know what that means; a duet on the MTV Music awards, a song/video and maybe even a Gap commercial together.

With all of Madge's focus on young singers these days, I have to wonder how Lola feels about all of this. Her mother won't even let her watch TV, yet she's continuing to dominate the media with her own tours, music, videos and commercials. Oh, please --- Momma don't preach.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Black is the new blonde

It's gotten to the point when we barely recognize Britney any more. I think little Sean Preston is equally confused. He looks like he's sweating profusely because he wants his momma.

I know that black can be slimming. And we all know how bad Brit's hair has been looking lately. But I'm not sure if dying her hair is the best solution.

What about that 'sweet blonde girl' that she talked so much about on Dateline? Is she now gone forever?

Nicole Urban

Here's the happy couple just before they wed in their Wicca-themed ceremony.

Clad in black, with those scary eyebrows and the crazy witch-like hair, Nicole exudes all the excitment of any bride-to-be on their wedding day.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Jason: publicity seeker or Lauren lover?

I wonder if Jason suddenly showed up at Lauren's doorstep because he missed her or because he moved to LA trying to become an actor and realized that he'd get more air time if he went back with her?

Poor Lauren. I think she really does like him, but that boy is not ready to settle down. Her face when she listened to his message with priceless.

And what was probably as equally as shocking was the deep insight and concern that Heidi expressed over this whole situation. Deep, deep down under that bleached blonde hair, there may be a tiny, tiny brain.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Brit is "Classy"

I'm still in a bit of "shock" over the Dateline "interview." How could her "people" have let this happen? They are "obviously" trying to cover for their client; and keep their own job by "not" trashing Brit - but how could they be okay "with" this? Unless they are as dumb as "she" is, which just may "be" the problem. Her PR team has no "clout" with the celebrity mags or influence on their own "client."

Dressing like some poor hooker who doesn't even know who her baby's daddy is, chomping gum like some dumb kid, mis-using the entire English language and wearing the rattiest hair extensions and false eyelashes that may have been lifted from a drag queen in Reno -- what was my point? Oh yeah, I'm not really sure what the point of this interview was, other than to confirm that she is dumb as a box of rocks from a Louisiana quarry.

Without writing a novella here, just wanted to blog that this girl has got to go away. She needs to go back where she came from, forget about ever being famous for being a good singer/dancer, divorce K-Fed, hire a team of smart people to educate herself and her children, take a bath, wear clothes that didn't come from Goodwill and never drive again.


Monday, June 19, 2006

Nic's down under belly

When most brides prepare for their wedding, they don't pig out on biscuits. Nicole however, is not a typical bride. After all, she's protesting all normal preparations, as she is no longer under the imprisionment of a false marriage. Her belly is sparking rumors that she is pregnant, hence the pending marriage.

I do agree that it looks like she has a belly. However, she is very careful with her appearance and I can't believe that she would allow her belly to hang like this, pregnant or not.

If you look at the bra/tank outline she has, I think this could just be the bottom of a tanktop.

Just giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Vaughinston in Pariston

I wonder if they are really the only two people at this table?

Of course they are together in Paris, as they are promoting their movie. I think the press is pushing them together more so than any other couple in celebrityland.

Nice beard, Vince!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Where in the Universe is Suri Cruise?

So there's been this huge void in my life and I just couldn't put my finger on what was missing. Well, behold! This morning I opened my USA Today (very grateful, as the hotel did not give me one yesterday), and found an article that said "Suri Cruise still missing from the race."

After grabbing several celebrity rags on the way down to tropical Fla, and seeing countless pictures of all the new celeb babes, I nearly forgot that I hadn't seen Suri. Shiloh almost filled that void, but now that the mystery is over, it's back to Suri Watch. I'm sure she's out there; TomKat wouldn't dare deceive us, would they? Could she be on a journey to get a better understanding of the Universe? Is she detoxing the alien souls she was born with? Is she green?

For those of you who care; Suri is falling WAY behind her fellow celeb babes. From USA Today, some stats on birth-to-image published that may boggle your mind:

  • 10 days; Bluebell Madonna Halliwell (Ginger Spice)
  • 12 days; Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt
  • 16 days; Johnny Backus (Mira Sorvino)
  • 19 days; Kingston James McGregor Rossdale (Gwen Stafani)
  • 23 days; Grier Hammond Henchy (Brooke Shields)

And as for Suri - it's now been 57 DAYS and no sign of her. I'm getting worried that she'll never be able to make up for this delay. For the rest of her life, she'll have the reputation of tardiness. She'll be branded lazy and slow. Maybe she just doesn't care; or perhaps she doesn't want anyone to know who her parents are. Is she embarrased already?

So Suri Watch continues. I have high hopes.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Ashley does normal

I just wanted to comment on the fact that an Olsen sister actually has appeared in public looking somewhat normal and not as a homeless person - although she could quite possibly be carrying Mary Kate in that monstrous-size bag of hers.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dulling the Sheen

Denise's sheen has been dulled with her choice in men. So he's a famous rock star, or was once when hair bands ruled. Now Richie looks more like a redneck sporting a mullet - a camaro mullet to be more specific.

If Denise is looking for a vast change from Charlie, she didn't really swing that pendulum too far. I always find it interesting when the lady blames the man for the divorce, yet she goes ahead and steals her BFF's man and that's fine.

So much for the weekly shots of her and her girls, now that she's an international roadie.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shiloh Pitt

I think SAS Master needs to talk to the Pitts - pronto!

When Brit named her baby Preston Michael Spears, the press figured out his initials would be PMS faster than K-Fed ran for the nearest bar. And Brit quickly changed his name.

But SAS Master pointed out to me today that little Shiloh may be in for some severe name taunting in grade school if the kids reverse her first letters to Piloh Shitt. The Pitts better act fast and get all of those other URLs quickly secured too.

Let's hope this doesn't happen and that Momma Angie teaches her some ultimate Crofty moves.

Assuming this picture is the real deal, I'd say she looks more like Angie than Brad.


Isn't it interesting that shortly after Manny comes into Brit's life, she finally gets some sense and divorces K-Fed? We're hearing the rumors that she has filed the papers in Denise Richards fashion (maybe pregnancy makes these chicks smarter?).

Anyway, we've seen the recent evidence - as of late, Brit's been looking clean, refreshed and smiling. And with Manny stockpiling her fridge and giving her the stability she needs, we're hoping for the best!

And note to all chicks looking at the opportunity to nab K-Fed: stay away! He likes to get his women pregnant twice and then leaves. The last thing this world needs are 10 little Feds running around.