So I've been very neglectful of my blog, but am back to dish my thoughts on the Oscars. Sorry to see there weren't any major scandals, although I would've loved to know what Reese's husband (what's his name again :-) what thinking when she was giving her speech and the cameras were locked on him.
I was a little disappointed in Jon Stewart, I was expecting more slams at the celebs, but their dour sense of humor didn't really allow him to be the best he could. I vote for Clooney as host next year!
I was glad to see Ms. Kidman and her Urban man, although she did walk the red carpet alone. My hopes rose when I saw Sandra and Keanu together again...they make such a cute couple.

But all my happiness was crushed when I saw Heath and Michelle; aka the worst and most annoying couple ever. I don't know what it is about her, but she really gets on my nerves. Maybe it's because I liked him with Naomi. I think Michelle is slowly trying to convince Heath that she his Australian; have you heard her Aussie/British accent? Please, she's from Montana! I know we're supposed to see that she's grown from Dawson's Creek, but I'm not buying it. Naomi went a little insane and put on 2 of the ugliest dresses I've ever seen and Heath needs to get rid of that molester mustache. Anyway, we'll see how long this couple lasts, but they are registering low on my wedding watch. This may be their only walk down the aisle.