Pinky Lynn

A blog about celebrities, wanna-be celebrities and anyone in between.

Friday, May 26, 2006

From Brokeback to Dylan

So apparently Michelle and Heath can't get enough of working together.

They have both signed up to be in the Bob Dylan movie together, I'm not there....and I probably won't be there, at the theatre or at home watching this movie any time in the future.

I like it when celebrities say they are retiring when they have a kid and then as soon as they are out of the spotlight for one second, they jump back into the next movie that comes their way.

Rendezvous in Italy

So apparently these two lovebirds are still together and on an Italian getaway nonetheless!

When most people travel abroad, they try to assimilate a little bit into the culture. Not these two. Yeah, we know he's a rocker, but the open shirt and chains are a bit too much for me. And I hope she's not planning to visit any churches in that outfit.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Gals in Black

I am looking forward to their new album. I do think they are over doing the black though. Everything I've seen them in is black - we get it.

They are tough women who have....OPINIONS. Obviously ~ they write music. And some people don't like their views and banned them from radio. That's fine, but they've still got a following; so the ladies should lighten up a bit.

I listened to some of their downloads online yesterday. For the most part, the songs were good. They sounded a bit rehashed from some of their older music, just a little darker or maybe intense.

I like how this picture looks like they are protecting Natalie; well she is really the one with the biggest mouth. The other sisters are just dealing with it and supporting her; she's the lead singer after all.

A Match Made in Hell

I think that Brandon and Paris should just get together - they are both certainly nasty enough, have enough money to satisfy each other or not worry the other one is out to get their money and they are both a little dirty/smelly/messy. Well, Brandon is really dirty and oily and I don't think we can doubt the cleanliness of Ms Hilton.

Come to think of it, they really are the perfect heir and heiress. He's an oil heir and his hair is disgustingly greasy and she's a hotel heiress and we know how much mileage she gets on those (Dream?) Beds.

Not that I really like Lindsay Lohan, but at least she did work for her paultry $7 million that Brandon things is so poor. And maybe she does live in a hotel, but don't most of these socialites anyway? But that video was horrible. I do support my fellow redheads when I can, which is why I have not posted a link to the video. And like Paris' movies were successful ~ well, at least the ones that were shot in night vision :-)

No wonder Mischa ran to Sisco; she needed a nice fun-loving, clean-looking man after she broke up with Brandon ~ or maybe it was the other way around. She's probably only got $15 million in the bank. And it is kind of funny that the video happened just after Lindsay was seen hanging out with Stavros. But Paris should learn her lesson, she zoomed out of there going way too fast; how easily she forgets.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Guns n' BK?

I thought those Burger King ads with Brooke Burke were a bit disturbing, but now to see people are trying to imitate the couple; that's really creepy.

My GOD! What has happened to Axl? I like how Rosario is touching him like he's some sort of wax figure...he really could be.

Welcome to the Jungle, Baby.

Britney does fashion

Seriously? What kind of outfit is this? The two girls on her right are in shock, as is Brit, from the look on her face.

What is wrong with this poor girl? Wandering LA like a lost soul, a fashion victim if I've ever seen one.

There are these places for pregnant women, or for just regular women, to buy clothes that fit and that don't make you look like some hillbilly ~ but I guess what should we expect anyway?

Stretching those lies....?

So after months of 'baby bump' publicity, there is still no baby to be seen. However, only 2 weeks after the supposed delivery, TomKat is out and about, with her tummy hanging out for all to see.
Why would she go to such lengths to further try to prove she did carry the baby? Where is the baby anyway?

We know it can't be too early, Brooke Shields is already on the cover of People with hers. I did hear one rumor that it is a pretty ugly baby, maybe they are doing some 'altercations' on her until she looks more like Tom?

This sad saga will never end.

Brit Gate Continues

So everyone is giving Britney so much flack because she almost 'dropped her baby.' Well I'm not so sure about that.

As you can clearly see in this picture, the strange dude with the mustache is trying to kidnap the baby. Everyone knows that men with molester 'staches are up to no good and it just happened to be in god's good grace that all this happened in the eye of the flashing cameras to save baby Sean.

I do fear for baby #2.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Jessica attempts to gain some love

First Nick, then Cacee. Who will leave poor Jessica next? We know her daddy will always be by her side. He probably put her up to these pictures to try one last time to get people to like her.

She is acting like one of those girls whose boyfriends break up with them and then they act all slutty. For such a god-loving gal, she is really the biggest hypocrite out there.

I used to sort of like her on Newlyweds, but now I think I dislike her most, which is really saying a lot.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Low-key men wear Uggs

I thought this was a funny picture: his outfit, the dog, the turtle yelling at his dog.

Matt's in Atlanta, filming a movie and staying in a trailer park.

Sounds low-key, and is. But check out his shoes!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tori's ritualistic wedding

Now I know I can't really say anything about dancing crazy at weddings (we have lots of videos to prove this), but I really don't get why Tori decided to run off to Fiji for a private wedding and doing this crazy ritual on the beach/in the water.

She should go left foot - to - left foot with Elaine from Seinfeld to see who is the worse dancer. But maybe I'm being too hard on Tori; her husband looks like he has some secret desire to be in Lord of the Dance. Maybe with his newfound connections to the Spelling Dynasty, he can finally live his dream. And I'm not all that familiar with 'Amazed' by Lonestar, but I've got to think the locals who witnessed this ceremony lived up to the song's meaning.

And the Scam Plays On....

What better way to prove this is a happy, loving couple with a child of their own loins than to get the full support of a marching band? I bet Tom told them that Scientology can get them a nice gig at DisneyLand or maybe a spot in his choir.

Looks like someone forgot to tell KATE that she didn't need to wear her fake maternity clothes anymore. Again, Tom looks like a chromosone or two are missing....maybe that's how he created L.Ron2? Must be part of Scientology or something.

What I really don't understand is how KATE is shrinking...look - Tom is crouching and KATE is still shorter than he. Maybe instead of having a 'baby,' they just removed about 6 inches from her legs to make Tom look taller than her? After all, it was a slim chance in Hell that he'd be able to find someone shorter than he and Brainwash them as well.

Hi Y'all! I'm Born Again.

Britney parades her first spawn around NYC after her breaking news on David Letterman....not that anyone was really surprised though.

If you looked at the fine lines in her contract with K-Fed, he's only got one more year to go, so girl had to make sure she got her two kids out of the deal.

At least we don't have to worry that Brit will fall prey to Scientology; she is making up her own religion - Sean Preston is her God.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I wanna hold your hand

I'm not sure why, but these pictures of Tom really disturb me. He looks WEIRD!

In this scene, Tom and Kanye re-enact a scene from Rain Man, though I'm not sure who Tom is playing this time around.

In another bit, they go on to play cowboys and Indians.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tom to Kate: shut your pie-hole and get on a treadmill!

Because Kate (yes, she's a mother now and must be now called Kate, per Tom) is too fat just two weeks after childbirth, Tom has signed her up with Buff Brides to get her in shape. Apparentley when ever this so-called marriage will occur, Kate must be skinny and toned.

Kate's dad, however, is not on-board with this. He said she needs to rest, after all, Kate was only allowed to talk to her daughter yesterday!