Pinky Lynn
A blog about celebrities, wanna-be celebrities and anyone in between.
Friday, April 28, 2006
The most scandalous show on tv

This show makes Monday worthwhile. It's got it all. See this lady here? She's the hippy tattoo mom of 3 who cheats on her husband with this guy in her minivan of the grocery store parking lot! Yeah, she's a big time slut. It's great. I already hate her, but not in that 'you've got to get rid of her way.'
I hope it stays on tv, now that at long last himself agreed to get a DVR, and I actually have something to record.
Like sand through the hourglass

Not that I'm buying this lovely little scene, I do have to admit the backdrop is amazing. Here's the perfect little blended family; they've even seem to have adopted a white lady.
What to do you think Angie is telling lil' Zahara? "your real momma used to make baskets, you better start studying up right now because we're going to make lots of money off of these and save 100s of other children of the world. And Maddox is asking Daddy Brad where all the trees went. "Maddy, the beginning of the end of the world happened the other day....remember my old friend Crazy Tom? Well he actually brought forth the spawn of evil and on that lay, L Ron said there would be no more grass or trees or water."
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Hello...from Namibia

Oh yes, not a day goes by now without an interview from Brangelina. Now that little Suri was born, they can again bask in the warm glow of the spotlight.
So what if they claimed to have traveled to Namibia to escape the media glare, the real reason must have been to get this awesome cover shot and to allow them to discuss the real issues; education of the children of the world.
Since they don't seem to speak to each other about their relationship...must've been an awkward moment when Angelina told Brad that she was pregnant...they certainly have no qualms about sharing the problems of the world with all of us.
Where in the World is Ann Curry?

I admit that I may have found Katie Couric a bit annoying, but when I heard she was leaving Today, I stopped watching it.
And I guess I may have missed this episode where Ann Curry goes in search of the new Mother Theresa and finds her reincarnation, Mother Jolie.
It's good to see Mother Jolie getting the privacy she's been demanding - no reporters, no pictures, no interviews. She's hiding out in Namibia until the baby comes - unless she decides to fly over to Paris or to another secluded island in the meantime.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Scientology Saved Tom From Prostitution

So just because I don't write about Tom enough and just because there isn't enough news on him lately...I just had to cover this latest story. In what I'm sure will soon be a new spin to this story, it was his future as a Scientologist that saved Tom from turning to prostitution -- even though he used to hitch rides in New York with prostitutes.
You know, because struggling actors can't even afford the bus or much less -- WALK, poor Tom used to hitch rides with the men who picked up his fellow corner femme fatales near NY's Holland Tunnel. Intriguing you say? I'm sure it was really just good practice for him before he made it big in the business, if you know what I mean.
And apparently his obsession with cars driven by men didn't end there. His insanity took control over him at a recent press conference for MI:3. When the mob calls, Tom answers.
Friday, April 21, 2006
The Don's Latest Project

Awww! Isn't this sweet? Donald really loves his little grandbaby...oh wait, that's his new son Barron. Doesn't he look so happy with the baby in his arms?
Actually, I'm sure he's thinking 'why can't this baby hold its head up yet' and 'when will Trump Diapers be ready for market'
-- oh, The Don, always working.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
It's a Girl!
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Tom is hiding himself and baby Suri away in his house, far away from Katie - who is probably bound and gagged? As soon as the silent birth occured, I heard that Katie wouldn't be able to talk to her baby for a week. That's about how long it took Tom to brainwash her, so this may be ample time for the baby to believe she is the reincarnation of L Ron Hubbard.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Finally Something to DVR on Mondays
Since Grey's Anatomy was so rudely taken off Sunday night so ABC could try to grab its audience and convince them to watch 'What about Brian,' I gave it a chance. And I watched the 2nd episode last night and think it's pretty good. It's no Friends, but it's not any of the cheesy WB shows that two of the stars came from either.
The premise: 3 couples + a single guy who is in love with one of the women. Brian is the single guy (big bro from 7th Heaven) loves Marjorie (girl Ephram got pregnant on Everwood). But she's engaged to Adam (cute football player from Blue Crush). And then there's some other people (a short guy married to Tattoo Mom, an Italian guy married to his sister played by an Arquette).
Since it's written by the same guy who wrote Felicity, it's kind of sappy, and shows that usually have this situation either end a few ways - he gets the girl, ruins friendship or he finds new girl, girl gets jealous and realizes she loves him but she's already married or runs out of wedding at the last minute...etc, etc.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Namibian Jolie-Pitt

Anyway, my curiosity got the best of me and I went searching for Namibian names. I found a great history lesson here: this goes on to say that names should mean something. Imagine that! But more important are famous Namibians. I've listed some names below, which range from pretty normal to what the heck!
Some famous Namibians:
- Frankie Fredericks, Track and field star
- Cuana Angula, labor activist
- Nicolas Bwakira, UN refugee officer
- Philomina Bienc Gawanas, lawyer
- Hage Geingob, former prime minister
- N!xau, actor
- Mocks Shivute, journalist
- Ngarikutuke Tjiriange, lawyer
- Andimba Toivo ya Toivo, independence leader
My vote is for N!xau Jolie-Pitt. Anyone with an exclamation point and an X in their name has got to be pretty cool. And it'll go well with Maddox (who has an X) and Zahara (Z is pretty cool too).
Friday, April 14, 2006
Another TomKat Rant
So himself thinks I rant too much about Tom and Katie (and Britney). And maybe I do. But what's the point of being obsessed about something if you can't talk about it all the time?
Anyway, here's some breaking news: the spawn of Ron will not be baptised! Seriously, isn't this all just getting a little bit crazy? When will this ever end? Tom seems just a little too desperate to divulge some personal things about he and Katie, but the ONE major thing we all really want to know.
On his in-depth interview with Diane Sawyer tonight, Tom will tell her that they are just strictly Scientologists, no other religion involved, her parents like him and they plan to wed in a few months.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
The Wonderful Wizard of Ron

In this land, the guy is a dreamboat movie star, he's in love with a nice young lady and they are having a wonderful love child. I think this picture is in black and white because the color of love is so powerful and their love would be like rainbows all around them -- it would blind us all.
We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz...I mean Ron...., or is it Oz?
Remember when Dorothy was forced to live in this weird little land called Ron for 3 weeks and had no memory of it afterward and couldn't say anything for 2 weeks after the alien was born, and had to keep the alien baby inside her or hidden in the basement until the MI:3 premiere? Follow the red carpet, I mean yellow brick road. And SMILE.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Keeping it Real in Denver and Down Under
I can't believe the 18th season of Real World, which will take place in Denver, is almost near. And I can't believe I've actually watched the majority of these! And since I'm a RR addict, I caught the MTV Special; I'm a Former Reality TV Star. It featured Tanya. I almost felt bad for her. She, like most of the 'stars,' makes her money by going to club promotions. It's a vicious cycle she can't escape from. However, one of the more interesting things about this show was it closed with her going to another RW/RR Challenge in Australia, called the Fresh Meat Challenge.
If you need to refresh your RW/RR Challenge memory, this is a great site. It also provides some insight into the Australian Challenge.
This blog site also features the web sites of our favorite RW/RR stars:
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
America's Most Hated Gangsta
Myself and himself sat down for a lovely evening of listening to some good ole' music. We chose to listen to some new songs by K-Fed. K-Fed, as you may know, married into money. And with this money, came a new music career - and one which will surely bring him fame and money, so he'll be able to support his many families one day.

Now every good rapper knows, as I learned in Rap 101 in Hippity Hop Old School, that rhyming is not all that necessary. Nor is saying your own name every other word. But I'll give him a break, as he's new to this Rap thang. So as much as I can talk about the negatives in his song, I did feel like I really got to know the real K-Fed, you know, his heavy-drinking, money-hungry and all around thugalicious qualities we all want to bring home to Momma.
One of the most surprising lines wasn't that he lived next to Pepperdine University, it was that he actually new what a University was - a place where you get diplomas and quite possibly, where Donna Martin may have graduated from.
Now I'm no K-Fed hater or nothing; actually I may put him in the Grammy lead ahead of Ms Hilton....though her tribute to Hef on his 80th birthday brought tears to myself and himself's eyes (though perhaps for different reasons).
So the next time you are surrounded by quietness, I urge you to check out the new tracks by K-Fed and you surely won't be bored anymore.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
noTORIous Graduates in My Book

As much as I don't like Tori Spelling, or Loni Anderson for that matter, I have to hand it to Tori because she proves she can make fun of herself even better than I could. Though she and her dog are the only ones who play themself, Loni plays a catty, Beverly Hills Momma like none other. Channeling Easy Street and 90210 meets the OC, Loni gives us a little peek into the relationship of Tori and her Mother and we can now see why she's never been able to be normal. Maybe she is trying to show that she doesn't rely on her parent's money, but hey - would she have really gotten this show if her last name wasn't Spelling?
I can understand why her parents would be mad a her. The eBay room, the speakerphone relationship with her Father, dealing with being ugly as a child and her Mom taking her to shops for midgets so she could wear heels and a bra when she was 3.
I totally loved the Wholeness episode, which was a jab at Scientology. Did you catch the scene with "TomKat" - it was right on. What about how Tori basically says her ex-husband was gay and that's why she dumped him? Because really, with all the money and power her Daddy can buy, she really can say and do whatever she wants.
There's still a debate about what's real and what's not on her body, but as her Nanny said "if you paid for them, they're yours!" Anyway, on my quest for the next trashy reality show, I'd have to say this is about on average and there's way more garbage on tv. If you're interested in watching the subtle take-down of Hollywood, this is the show for you.